
I am the daughter of the son of emigrants, I am Sardinian and I am continental. I have always lived on this side of the sea, in the land of Tuscia but I feel I belong to that wild land that is Sardinia. Sometimes I happen to go through places, stop and close my eyes because all of a sudden I can feel the smell of it. It took me years to figure out what it was, then I discovered that every time I get this feeling I'm next to an eucalyptus tree under a hot sun, I'm home. It is a land that silently insinuates itself within, impressing the mind with its mountains, its winds, smells, horizons, water, silence, peace. I was born in a small town made of tuff far from the sea but I feel made of granite and salt, I can feel Sardinia inside me. My grandparents who emigrated in the fifties felt it and brought the island with them to this side of the sea, starting a new life that spoke a language unknown to others.

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